Happy Island EXP and COINS Cheat

Get more coins and exp use Happy Island EXP and COINS Cheat.With coins, you can easily gain experience too by purchasing the expensive items.

  • Cheat Engine 5.5
  • Firefox/Flock
  • Flash 10
  1. Go into Happy Island
  2. Open Cheat Engine 5.5 (value type: 4bytes)
  3. Hover over any buildings. You should see a counter – xx/500.
  4. Scan the current ‘xx’ value
  5. Wait for customers to spend in that building for the ‘xx’ to increase.
  6. Next scan the new ‘xx’ value. Repeat steps 5 and 6 till only 1 address remain.
  7. Now change the ‘xx’ to ‘499′ and check the frozen box.
  8. Now the moneybag will keep appearing. Notice my video gains me 10,000+ worth of coins each collection.
  9. To do this, wait till you have a moneybag above your building. Change the value to 99999 now.
  10. Click the moneybag. Coins will keep flowing out, but your coins will not increase yet.
  11. Now change the value back to 499.
  12. Keep doing this and eventually the glitch will set in and you will gain thousands of coins easily.

1 comment:

  1. did u sure this hack is still available?? because i tried for more than a thousand times and it not work. appreciate with your reply. thank you



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